A Decade Ago Today: My Journey to Rwanda
A decade ago today, I embarked on a journey that would leave an indelible mark on my heart and career—a trip to Rwanda for the inaugural Mother Care Conference on Skin-to-Skin Nurturing.
I had the honor of attending as a guest of the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation, who recognized my patent for the Nesting Days newborn carrier. The carrier provides a modern solution to an age-old challenge: how to hold a baby close for prolonged periods of skin-to-skin contact while allowing mothers to be hands-free as they navigate their daily lives.

The Conference
The conference brought together healthcare professionals, caregivers, and advocates from around the globe, united by a shared belief in the importance of mother-baby bonding. Skin-to-skin care—often called kangaroo care—was at the heart of our discussions. This simple yet profound practice has the power to save lives, stabilize preterm babies, and foster deep emotional connections.
I remember standing in awe as Rwandan healthcare workers shared their stories of incorporating these practices into their communities. Despite limited resources, their dedication and ingenuity were inspiring. It reminded me that change doesn’t require perfection; it requires passion.

Moments That Stood Out
One memory still shines brightly: meeting a group of mothers who had recently adopted kangaroo care in their villages. Their eyes lit up as they shared how holding their babies close had improved their infants' health and strengthened their bond. It was a moment that underscored the universality of love and the deep instincts of caregiving.
Lessons Learned
Beyond the conference itself, Rwanda taught me lessons in resilience and hope. The scars of the country's past were evident, but so was the remarkable spirit of healing and community. As I walked through Kigali and visited local health centers, I was struck by how much progress can be made when communities come together with a shared purpose.
Looking Back, Moving Forward
Ten years later, I still carry the lessons of Rwanda with me. The importance of nurturing touch in early life continues to influence my work, and the memories of that conference serve as a reminder of the power of global collaboration.
I’m especially grateful to the Gates Foundation for their support and belief in the Nesting Days carrier as a modern-day tool for enabling prolonged skin-to-skin nurturing. Their recognition affirmed my commitment to this work and helped amplify a practice that has the potential to transform lives.
Today, as I reflect on that journey, I’m filled with gratitude for the opportunity to be part of something so meaningful. Rwanda’s beauty, its people, and its unwavering spirit remain etched in my memory.
Julie, Chief Mother Officer
Have you had experiences that shifted your perspective and deepened your understanding of connection? I’d love to hear about them in the comments.
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